Friday, May 29, 2009

New post

Well Dear Readers,

It has been a month and I am updating you all on my life’s happenings that have taken place during that time frame. In this entry I will talk about my education, my father’s health and my love life.

My father’s health is quiet stable as of now. He is on his daily medication and doing very well. He will soon be back to the doctors for his now three month check up.

My education is at a stand at the moment as I have finished high school, in June I take my ACTs and fill out my fafsa and college apps. If my score I where I am okay with it otherwise I will take it again.

Well, here is where most of you love to read about my love life or lack there of. I am now calling him my ex-boyfriend because we haven’t talked in months and I’m moving on sort of. I have made a new friend and he is a doll, sweet, kind, geeky, reads poetry, and his bisexual. He and I have been talking nonstop for over a month and I am still not bored of him. He evens helps me with my writing of my fan fiction. But the kicker in this relationship is it’s a friendship but we flirt and refuse to move into boyfriend and girlfriend territory because we know if we do we will become bored with each other, we have chosen to stay close friends who may kiss or make out occasionally.

Also to end this entry I would like to add that I have continued my fiction writing and started writing Harry Potter fan fiction and I am glad to say with great feedback.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Hello again

Well My Dear Reader,

Here is the update of a two month’s time since my last blog so much for the monthly posting, but I digress. In this post I will be talking about my father's health, my current relationship, school progress, and the dealings in my life at the current time. This has become the main template for this blog.

My father’s health has improved to him no longer needing the chemo treatment and now he is on the medication he will need to be taking until his death. Since then he has helped my mother by doing projects to remodel her house. It has done him will, he misses doing house work since the recession has left him jobless.

Well, as for my current relationship, or lack thereof he is off at university I have spoken to him since he went back January. I have now started to use facebook as a means to communicate to him in times I wish to. This summer even looks like I am not going to even see him because of family get together, and my sister’s wedding. He also recently told me he isn’t even going to be “home” for the summer he is going away to I assume his mother’s. It actually doesn’t bother me at all.

Ah, school progress will I am now down to going to school once a week and in June I am planning on taking my ACTs and SATs. My mother has also planned to get my senior pictures done with this month so it should be interesting on how I do with the photographer.  

On a interesting note I found out have lost almost ten pounds since my last weight in August of last year I am now about 107lbs. That is now a total loss of about 30 lbs.


Well dear reader here I say goodbye until my next posting


Friday, January 30, 2009

Already A Month! (theme:Hope)

Well My Dear Reader,

Here is the update of a month's time since my last blog so much the weekly posting, but i digress. In this post I will be talking about my father's health, my current relationship, school progress, and the dealings in my life at the current time.

My father's has just fairly recently visited his doctors and the results are remarkable, but he know start on medication that will start attacking the cancer in his marrow, no telling how that will work out, I am holding out.

As for my current relationship, well I maybe I should have given it more thought before I jumped in labeling it a relationship. Why my sudden change? Well, I finally kissed and i could not stand for the lips to be against mine, it was like what fandom!Hermione experiences with fandom!Ron's kisses. So soon I will tell it is off for the second time. Which after, I will stay single unless I experience a spark with a man or young man.

Well now I move onto a more happier subject, my school progress, I am currently signed up for a night session of school for Monday's, and Thursday's three to six pm, for a science course which may be my class course of my high school career let's hope my school does not add more courses. Also i will soon be taking my first round of AC Ts and SA Ts so hopefully I will only have to do one round .

Finally, life's happenings in which that are new, well I have start working out again, so hopefully,(that must be my journal entry theme), that will boast my spirit and kill my boredom. Also I have putting off my novel reading for much too long, it has almost been three weeks since I finished my last novel. Also once the month of May comes around I will be taking my license test, then once I pass, I will be looking for a job. On a final note, my sister's bridal shower is coming up quickly, Mother's Day.

Until next month dear readers.

ta ta,